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Work: 43,5 x 32 cm
Frame: 56 x 44 cm
Work: 41 x 28,5 cm
Paper: 44 x 33 cm
Work: 41 x 27 cm
Paper: 50 x 34,5 cm
Work: 41 x 28,5 cm
Paper: 44 x 33 cm
Work: 44 x 28,5 cm
Paper: 46 x 33 cm
Work: 40,5 x 27 cm
Paper: 43 x 31 cm
Work: 41,5 x 27 cm
Paper: 48 x 32 cm
Work: 42 x 29,5 cm
Paper: 45,5 x 31 cm
Some of the prints signed or monogrammed by 'Guillaume van Doorslaer a Paris an 7' (1798-1799).