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Work: 57 x 42,6 cm
Frame: 68 x 53,6 cm
The text rather difficult to read: 'Paris 7 8bre L'An 8 de la R.F.' (?).
The label on the back reads: 'Portrait de fantaisie fait par Madame Gouvion Archinard'.
Anne-Marie-Joseph 'dite Nancy', comtesse de Gouvion (1777-1811) was the daughter of a 'négociant' in Crest, sent to the Assemblée législative in Paris in 1791 as député de la Drôme. She was educated with her sister in Lyon, where she met Mlle I. de Saussure, with whom she conducted a lenghty correspondence. On 12 December 1806 she married Louis-Jean-Baptiste, comte de Gouvion (1752-1823), a 'général de division, sénateur, grand officier de la Légion d'honneur' and politician.