We moeten verifiëren dat uw registratie niet om een geautomatiseerde ingave in ons systeem gaat. Vervolledig aub de onderstaande test...
H 69 cm (the tallest lamps)
Dia.: 28,6 cm (the plate)
H 25,7 cm - L 20,5 cm (the biscuit group)
The plate marked 'Gien' with the three towers (third quarter of the 19th C.).
The base of the Sèvres biscuit marked and the group entitled 'L'amour enchainé par la fidelité'.
One of the lamps with a 'Lampe à moderateur - R & V - garantie' label.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The biscuit with some negligible damage to the flower petals and minor damage to the left foot of the lady.