Een Frans Sèvres bord met roze fondkleur en verguld en floraal decor, eerste derde 19de eeuw

Dia.: 23,5 cm



The service of which this plate was once part is known. The original service ('fond rose frise coloriée dans une zone blanche') was registered on the 10th of December 1822 (Arch. MN, Sèvres, Vv1, 189) and was given to Holgan in 1824, incl. 121 plates, 4 fruit bowls and 2 sugar bowls and trays (Vbb6, 33).

Another service, 'fond rose frise légère' was registered on the 3rd of March 1826 (Vv1, 250-16) and was delivered the 8th of September to the Count de La Rochejaquelein, Auguste du Vergier de la Rochejaquelein (1784-1868; Vbb8, 22), with 16 plates, dated 1823, 4 bowls and two sugar bowls.

A third service 'fond rose frise coloriée etc.' was registered on the 9th of April 1831 (Vv2, 38 v°) and was delivered to the composer Auber on the 1st of May 1837 (Vbb9, 12v°), with a.o. 32 plates.


Geschat: € 200 - € 400