Chinese school: Vijf geanimeerde voorstellingen, inkt en kleur op zijde, 19de eeuw


Work: ca. 46 x 36 cm

Frame: 58,5 x 48,5 cm

Condition: (UV-checked)
- All frames with visible damages and wear.
- All works in stable, hangeable condition, ready to be displayed.
- The one with the carriage, far left, in good condition, with normal negligible wear. The frame lacking the glass.
- The scene with the gate, second from left, with some tears to the lower left corner, a loss to the middle of the left edge and another small loss to the lower right corner.
- The scene by the table, in the middle of the back row on the first image, with some tears and losses to the middle of the top edge and to the upper left corner.
- The scene by the well with a mild horizontal tear just below the middle of the upper edge.
- The carriage scene, on the far right, with tears and losses to the upper left part.

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 1.402,50