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Work: 49,3 x 34,5 cm
Paper: ca. 52 x 37 cm
Frame: 65,2 x 52,2 cm
Original copper engraving, published 1612 in the famous historical atlas 'Parergon' (Latin text-edition) by Abraham Ortelius. In the upper middle a title cartouche, in the upper right and left corners cartouches showing Roman kings. The bottom shows three cartouches, in the lower left corner and lower middle two text cartouches concerning Roman history, in the lower right corner a cartouche with a genealogical tree of Roman kings.
- Marcel van den Broecke, Ortelius Atlas Maps, 187: the map was first published in the 'Parergon' between 1579 and 1587. The plate was altered for the next edition of 1592 with the addition of four lines by Vetruvius in the upper right corner.