Constant Lorichon(1800-1856): Hermès à la sandale, crayon et fusain sur papier, daté 1816


Work: ca. 58,5 x 43 cm

Paper: 64 x 47,5 cm

Frame: 72 x 55,4 cm


This academic drawing was undoubtedly modelled after a plaster sculpture. 

The sculpture of Hermes fastening his sandal, which exist in several versions, is a Roman marble copy of a lost Greek bronze original in the manner of Lysippos, dating to the fourth century B.C. The identification is based on an identification of the original bronze model as a sculpture of Hermes in the gymnasium and thermae of Zeuxippos in Constantinople, which was described in detail by Christodoros of Koptos in his ekphrasis of the gymnasium as it still remained in late antiquity (link). The Roman marble sculpture is nowadays part of the Louvre collection (link).



- Ex-collection Pierre Passebon.

- Private collection, Belgium. 

Adjudication frais incl.: € 433,50