A three-piece Egyptian Revival clock garniture in marble, onyx and gilt bronze, late 19th C.


H 42 x L 50,5 x D 18 cm (the clock)

H 58,5 cm (the obelisks)

The clock inscribed 'Van Veeckom Bruxelles'.

Egyptomania refers to a period of renewed interest in the culture of ancient Egypt sparked by Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign in the 19th C. Napoleon was accompanied by many scientists and scholars during this campaign, which led to a large interest in the documentation of ancient monuments in Egypt. Thorough documentation of ancient ruins led to an increase in the interest about ancient Egypt. In 1822, Jean-François Champollion deciphered the ancient hieroglyphs by using the Rosetta Stone that was recovered by French troops in 1799, and hence began the scientific study of egyptology.

The fascination with ancient Egypt was manifested through literature, architecture, art and film.

In the French Empire style, Egyptian imagery and ornament was very widely used in the decorative arts, such as porcelain services, furniture, and later commercial kitsch and advertising. Parties and public events were held that had Egypt as a theme, where people wore special costumes. Egyptian Revival architecture lasted throughout the 19th C. and into the 20th. The discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun considerably revived interest.

Estimate: € 600 - € 1200