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Dernière mise à jour: 2023-06-01, 15:05:26
H 7,6 - L 10 cm (the largest cup)
H 3,7 cm - Dia.: 6,8 cm (the smallest cup)
H 11,2 - L 12,3 cm (the teapot)
H 5,8 - L 13,6 - D 8,5 cm (the cricket box)
H 6,9 cm - Dia.: 6,1 cm (the largest box and cover)
H 6,4 cm - Dia.: 5,2 cm (the smallest box and cover)
H 11,1 cm - Dia.: 9,3 cm (the stacking box)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cups: in very good condition, with minor superficial wear. One cup with a negligible glaze chip to the underside of the ear. One with a negligible chip to the inside of the bottom rim.
- The cricket box in very good condition, the inside rim with overpaint.
- The teapot and cover: in good condition with superficial wear, glaze chips to the spout, the top rim with a refilled chip and a small 2mm chip. The cover with superficial small chips to the rims.
- The bowls: the smallest one in very good condition, the tallest one with a hairline of 7 mm and some minor rim chips.
- The box and cover: in good condition, with a refilled negligible chip to the cover.
- The 'Wu Shuang Pu' box and cover: the cover with two small chips to the outside and one small chip to the inner rim, the box with multiple small chips to the top rim and with related hairlines.
- The stacking box: (1, from bottom to top) with a hairline of 2 cm running from the side to the bottom and the rim with minor chips, (2) negligible fritting to the rim (3) baking flaw, only visible on the inside, (4) hairline of ca. 2 cm.
Dia.: 34,1 cm (the charger)
H 28,2 cm (the hat stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The hat stand in good condition, with minor superficial wear and some baking flaws.
- The charger in good condition, with minor chips and some glaze chips (between 4 and 8 o'clock).
H 21,2 cm (the vase and cover)
H 15,4 cm - Dia.: 13,5 cm (the qianjiang cai bowl and cover)
H 15,1 cm (the jar and cover)
H 8,1 - L 18,9 - D 18,9 cm (the quadrangular bowl)
H 6,5 - L 19,1 - D 14,1 cm (the large lobed bowl)
H 5,7 - L 18,4 - D 13,6 cm (the small lobed bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The blue and white jar and cover: both jar and cover in good condition.
- The qianjiang cai bowl on stand and cover: the cover with a hairline of ca. 4 cm, a negligible loss to the overglaze enamels and the lion reglued, furthermore in good condition.
- The famille verte vase and cover: the vase with a negligible hardly visible chip to the top rim and glaze chips to the bottom rim, furthermore in good condition. The cover with a baking flaw, furthermore in good condition.
- The 'fish' bowl: negligible fleabites to the top rim and a hairline of ca. 1,5 cm, furthermore in good condition.
- The 'lobed' bowl: the top rim with a reglued chip of ca. 1 x 1 cm and a related hairline of ca. 1,2 cm, furthermore in good condition.
- The 'quadrangular' bowl: the top rim with a hairline of ca. 4 cm and some chips, the inside glaze with wear and traces of use, furthermore in good condition.
H 14,9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both models in good condition.
H 58 - 36,2 cm (the tallest and the smallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The blue and white vase: the vase in very good condition, with two small chips to the inner bottom rim.
- The 'peonies' vase: very good condition, with a negligible superficial chip to the top rim.
- The Nanking vase: good condition, with restored chips to the top rim with related overpaint, minor baking flaws.
H 44 - 36 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tallest vase with a baking flaw and and some scratch marks. The bottom with a drilled hole and a few typical chips from the foot rim.
- The meiping vase in nearly excellent condition with wear to the gilded design. A small superficial chip from the unglazed foot rim.
H 59,7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase with a superficial chip of ca. 8 x 5 mm from the top rim and some superficial baking flaws. Otherwise in excellent condition.
H 25,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with minor superficial wear.
Dia.: 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One of the dishes with a small 2,5 mm superficial chip to the rim and the reverse with a negligible baking flaw, furthermore in very good condition.
- The second dish in very good condition, with a few hardly visible superficial baking flaws to the rim.
Dia.: 26 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left plate: in good condition, with the normal minor superficial wear and minor traces of use. Minor glaze chips and fleabites to the rim.
- The right plate: in good condition, with the normal minor superficial wear. Minor baking flaws, esp. one at 9 o'clock.
H 7,6 - L 11,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with normal superficial wear and some baking flaws.
- The spout with a metal mount and a superficial chip from the tip.
- Both ears of the monkey with glaze loss from the tips.
- One leaf of the peach with two superficial chips from the underside.
H 57,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase in very good condition, with the normal superficial wear and baking flaws.
- Minor damage in the tail of the biggest lion.
H 8,4 - L 14,6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with minor superficial wear to the gilding and a few baking flaws.
- The unglazed inner rim of the teapot with numerous small superficial chips.
H 34,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with normal superficial wear.
H 9,6 - L 15,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 25,3 - 24 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One in very good condition.
- One with a large and a few smaller chips around the base.
H 35,8 - 30,7 cm (with and without base)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One jar excellent.
- One cover excellent.
- One jar with small chips to the unglazed inner rim.
- One cover with a rim chip.
H 39 - 35 cm (with and without stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One of the jars in very good condition.
- One of the covers with two chips to the inner rim, furthermore in good condition.
- The second jar with a star-shaped crack to the body, only visible on the inside. The bottom rim with minor chips.
- The second cover with chips to the inner rim and some restoration, not visible from the outside.
- Both stands in good condition, with superficial wear and traces of use. Some legs reglued.
H 6,4 cm - Dia.: 15,4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 7,9 - L 13,1 - D 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 20,5 cm - Dia.: 28,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jardinière generally in excellent condition, with normal superficial wear and minor superficial baking flaws.
- The stand with normal suprficial wear and superficial baking flaws. The inner top rim with a 6 x 4 mm chip. The outer top rim chip of ca. 4 x 1,5 cm.
H 58 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The 'antiquities' vase in nearly excellent condition, with minor superficial baking flaws and a 1 x 0,5 cm chip from the underside of the top rim.
- The vase with figural design generally in excellent condition, with minor superficial baking flaws, superficial wear to the overglaze enamel design and gilding.
H 10,1 - 9,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Each lid with small rim chips.
- The vases without lids: one with a very small rim chip, one with a large rim chip and a few smaller ones.
- Two of the lidded vases in excellent condition, one broken and reglued.
H 27,7 - 27 cm (the tallest and the smallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All pieces with restoration to the rim.
H 40,7 - Dia: 46 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The fish bowl with a star-shaped crack to the side, running in four directions (running to the left side for ca. 27 cm, running to the right side for ca. 15 cm, running downwards for ca. 12 cm and running upwards for ca. 14 cm). One missing piece to the side (ca. 2 x 1 cm).
- The bottom with a V-shaped hairline of ca. 8 cm.
- Negligible baking flaws and some scratches to the side.
H 43,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with minor superficial wear and some superficial baking flaws.
H 53,5 cm (incl. the mounts)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With a 10 cm hairline from the top rim and normal superficial wear.
H 49,6 cm - Dia.: 54,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jardinière generally in very good condition, with some superficial glaze loss from the inner top rim and with firing flaws.
H 15,8 cm - Dia.: 18,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with minor superficial wear and scratches all-over.
H 8 - L 31 - D 24,9 cm (the octagonal bowl)
Dia.: 24,2 - 21,2 cm (the dishes)
Condition: All three in excellent condition.
H 29,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jar in good condition, with normal negligible superficial wear and negligible baking flaws.
H 66 - 65 cm
Both vases crowned with a Buddhist lion and with dragons chasing the pearl, a recurrent motif in Chinese art, with the pearl representing the attainment of wisdom, power or immortality.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both with numerous small chips.
- One lid with a reglued section to the inner rim.
- Both lids with numerous small chips.
37 x 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plaque in good condition, with the normal superficial wear, especially to the borders due to a former framing.
- The bottom right side with a chip of ca. 2,5 cm, visible on the side and the back, but not on the front.
- The top right side with a negligible chip, hardly visible and only visible on the reverse.
Dia.: 20,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
H 45 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One with a long hairline of ca. 20 cm.
- One with a rim section broken out and reglued.
Dia.: 18 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 169,3 - 90 cm (with and without stand)
23.3 kg (the vase)
10.7 kg (the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase generally in very good condition, with some superficial wear to the gilding, minor baking flaws and some losses of the enamel glaze.
- The black lacquered wooden stand generally in good condition, with wear to the top surface, the top border broken and slightly loose.
Dia.: 26,7 cm
- A number of small tight hairlines and small rim chips.
- One larger rim chip re-enamelled at a later date, possibly together with the overall decoration.
H 57,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 21,5 - 20 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The musician: lacking two fingertips and probably with a small touch-up to the tip of the nose.
- The reading lady: lacking three fingertips and with a chip to one of the feet.
H 33,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with a small baking flaw just above the rim, otherwise in excellent condition.
- The jar generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear, some minor losses of the enamel glaze and some baking flaws just above the foot rim.
H 12,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Restoration to the lower right rock.
- The bird reglued and with chips to the tips of the wings.
H 43 cm (incl. the mounts)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The porcelain in good condition, not checked below the mounts.
H 60,9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Good, with a number of baking flaws throughout, one of which with a short glaze line on the inner rim.
H 28,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Small rim chips and minor baking spots on the rim, otherwise excellent.
H 61,6 - 57,3 cm (with and without stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with minor wear to the overglaze enamels.
H 32,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A small superficial chip to the upper rim, otherwise good.
H 40 - 37,2 cm (with and without stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both vases in very good condition, with minor superficial wear and negligible baking flaws.
- One of the vases with negligible loss to the overglaze enamels.
- Both stands with wear and traces of use. One stand with two reglued legs.
H 51 - 46 cm (with and without stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H 63 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with minor superficial.
H 32,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H 26,7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 45,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
H 8,6 cm - Dia.: 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition.
H 59,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Lid broken and reglued.
- Vase with a small rim chip.
H 23,6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase in nearly excellent condition, with minor superficial baking flaws, mostly located on the top rim.
H 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H 31,8 - 27,5 cm (with and without stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase in very good condition, with the normal superficial wear.
- The stand with wear and some cracks.
H 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition, and the second one broken and then reglued.
- 一个帽筒全品,另一个破碎后粘合。
H 24,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H 7,2 cm - Dia.: 14 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)|
- In excellent condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 9,2 cm - Dia.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 31,9 cm - Dia.: 38,3 cm
H 19,4 cm - Dia.: 26,4 cm (the jardinière without the stand)
H 29,9 cm - Dia.: 26,4 cm (the jardinière with the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jardinière with peaches with a number of minor superficial chips from the outer top rim.
- The smaller jardinière in nearly excellent condition, with some superficial scuff marks, mostly located on the top rim. The wooden stand generally in good condition, with normal superficial wear.
H 33,1 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A small chip to one of the horns and a small reglued corner to the base.
H 44,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition, with the normal minor superficial wear.
- A restored section to the low part part of one of the handles.
H 23,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 30,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H 44,9 - 33,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
H 28,7 - 27,7 cm (the tallest and the smallest hat stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The one on the left and on the right in very good condition.
- The one in the middle with a ca. 10 cm hairline and another of ca. 3 cm.
H 7,3 cm - Dia.: 40,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A burst glaze bubble to the inner rim, a few baking flaws to the back.
- 口内沿一处爆釉,背面几处窑伤。
H 6,3 cm - Dia.: 32,1 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Numerous baking-related cracks as visible.
Dia.: 25,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A burst glaze bubble to the inner rim, a small chip to the rim and some normal wear to the glaze.
- 口内沿一处爆釉,口沿外侧一个飞皮,釉面正常磨损。
H 41,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Some normal wear and a few superficial chips throughout.
- 正常磨损,多处飞皮。
H 4 - L 22,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With normal superficial wear, typical burst glaze bubbles and glaze losses from the edges (mushikui or ‘moth-eaten’ edges) as visible on the photos.
H 15,1 - 6,4 cm (the tallest and the smallest vase)
H 7,1 cm - Dia.: 15,1 cm (the large bowl)
H 4,4 cm - Dia.: 13,7 cm (the small bowl)
Dia.: 20 cm (the dish)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The two smallest jar in excellent condition with some typical glaze lines.
- The biggest jar in quasi excellent condition with a few small superficial chip to the rim.
- The bowl with two small superficial chips to the rim.
- The Longquan saucer in excellent condition.
- The plat in quasi excellent condition with some normal wear and a few minor glaze loss to the rim.
- 最小的两个罐子全品,全身惊釉。
- 最大的罐子口沿几处小飞皮和剥釉。
- 碗口沿两个小飞皮。
- 龙泉洗全品。
- 盘子口沿多处剥釉,釉面磨损。
H 69 - L 63,5 cm (without the base)
The dating of this lot is consistent with the results of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test no. C100z68 (Helen Burge, September, 2000).
The horse is accompanied by a second authenticity report, drawn up by Mr. L. Decleer (Ethnic and Oriental Art "L'esprit de l'art", Antwerp, 3 December 2001) and the original invoice.
- A similar, but smaller painted pottery figure of a Tang horse offered at Sotheby's, New York, Sale: China / 5000 years, March 29, 2022, lot 648 (est. USD 6.000-8.000, link).
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The horse with multiple restored breaks and some parts reconstructed. The exact extent of the repair difficult to determine, even under UV-light.
H 24 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Guanyin with superficial wear, and a few small superficial chips to the nose, lip and the bouquet on the hand.
- Probably a break around the neck and then reglued.
- 观音正常磨损,多处飞皮,在鼻子,嘴角和手中的花束上。
- 脖子可能断裂,后粘合修复。
H 4,3 cm - L 10,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition, the stone with natural inclusions.
H 21,1 cm
Total weight: 296 g
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear and minor typical superficial irregularities along the edges.
H 39,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition with some wear to the gilding on the inside of the rim.
- 一对全品,口沿内侧正常磨损。
H 29,6 - L 23 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A few spot of enamel loss and some normal wear.
- 几处典型的剥釉,局部釉面磨损。
H 39,4 - L 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The top of the cover, the handle, top part of the spout and the neck are oversprayed and some normal wear to the enamel.
- 盖子顶部,手柄,流顶部和壶脖子都有喷漆痕迹,釉面正常磨损。
H 39,5 cm (the cloisonné bell)
H 65 - L 47 - D 32 cm (the wooden frame)
- One section of damage visible to the low end, on the left of the text.
- The wood with numerous worn spots and age cracks.
H 5,1 cm - Dia.: 8,3 cm (the largest cup)
H 3,5 cm - Dia.: 5,6 cm (the smallest cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One enamel cup in good condition, the other in poor condition with some restoration.
- The coconut cups in reasonably good condition with normal wear. The silvered copper lining obviously worn.
H 6,9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition with some minor superficial wear. The connection between stopper and spoon very slightly distorted.
Dia.: 22,4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with some typical tension lines throuhgout and some normal wear.
- 两个近乎全品,多处典型的裂纹和釉面磨损。
H 16,7 - L 23 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition with some normal wear.
- 整体品相非常良好,表面正常磨损。
H 35,4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Numerous old repairs throughout.
- A number of casting-related holes to the lower part.
- Purchased from Axel Vervoordt Antwerp, March 1994.
H 69 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition with some spot of green corrosion.
- 整体品相良好,几处绿锈。
H 25,5 - 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both generally in good condition.
- Some discolouration to the back on one of the two.
H 45,7 - Dia.: 35,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A hole to one leg, otherwise good.
- 一条腿上方一个洞孔。
H 91 - 89,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some rust spots.
- 品相非常良好,多处铁锈痕迹。
Please note the title should read:
Three bronze vases and a jug, Ming
H 27,5 - L 11,8 cm (the jug)
H 22,3 - 20,9 cm (the tallest and the smallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase on the left: body dented, foot with a tear and also dented.
- The second vase on the left: lacking the base.
- The third vase, second from the right: in very good condition.
- The ewer on the right: lacking part of the spout, puncture to the middle on one side, base dented.
H 12,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Normal wear and some slight scratchs.
- A short crack line of ca. 2 cm on the upper part, probably due to a bump.
- 正常磨损,刮痕。
- 上侧一处小的开裂,应该由于碰撞。
27,5 x 12,3 cm
26,3 x 12,2 cm
Accompanied by a CITES certificate.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Accompanied by CITES certificate 2023/BE01339/CE.
- Both plaques in very good condition, with the typical age-related wear such as superficial rubbing and small tension cracks.
- The signed plaque: the branch at the bottom right side with most probably a negligible chip.
- The second plaque: a negligible chip to the left bottom corner and the branch in the left top corner with a minor missing part.
H 7,2 - L 22,3 - D 10,5 cm
Accompanied by a CITES certificate.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With CITES certificate N° 2023/BE01338/CE.
- The box in general in good condition, with the typical age-related wear such as superficial rubbing and small tension cracks.
- The bottom with some cracks. A horizontal crack in the left front panel.
- No key and lock.
- The box is slightly deformed (does not close perfectly and bottom plate at the back is slightly bent).
H 86,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition with some wear.
- The top with traces of use.
- Negligible missing pieces.
- Firm and stable.
- See also the additional pictures.
H 80 cm - Dia.: 56 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition with superficial wear.
- Table top with traces of use.
- Firm and stable.
- See also the additional pictures.
H 36,2 - L 32,3 - D 17,4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cabinet in general in good condition, with superficial wear all-over.
- All sides with small pieces of missing lacquer. Idem for the drawers.
- The lock a little loose. Key is present. Key plate most probably not original.
- One of the hinges renewed.
- The top with a water stain.
H 30,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The extrimities with typical glaze losses as visible on the photos.
- The front row far left spout with a restored chip.
- The front row far right spout restored with related overpainting. The restoration some worn.
- One corner of the foot with a restored chip.
- Some minor superficial baking flaws throughout.
H 65,5 cm (with covers)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both vases and covers in good condition, with typical small rim abrasions and superficial crazing.
- One of the covers with a rim chip.
- One of the vases with a hairline to the bottom, most probably occured during the baking process.
- The second vase with a small chip to the bottom rim and a baking flaw to the bottom.
The gold, green and blue service:
Dia.: 12,8 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 6,1 cm - H 6,3 cm (the cups)
H 26,2 cm (the coffee pot)
H 17,6 cm (the jug)
H 18 cm (the jar with cover)
The parcel-gilt service:
Dia.: 12,6 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 20,4 cm (the plates)
Dia.: 19,8 cm - H 9,6 cm (the bowl)
H 26 - 20,3 cm (the large and the small coffee pot)
H 18,2 cm (the jug)
Dia.: 6,4 cm - H 6,4 cm (the cups)
H 11,2 cm (the jar)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both coffee services with superficial wear to the gilt decoration and negligible traces of use.
- The gold, green and blue service in good condition, except for: one saucer with a hairline, one saucer with baking flaws, one saucer with a baking error, one cup with a restored handle and one cup with superficial minor chips to the top rim.
- The parcel gilt service in good condition, except for: cover of the coffee pot with a restored chip, a missing part and some hairlines; one plate with a 6 cm hairline, one cup with a 3 cm hairline and the cover of the small jug with a chip.
H 29,4 cm
The vase can be dated ca. 1941, has the decor number 'D.2770' and is most probably designed by Charles Catteau (1880-1966).
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase in very good condition with the normal negligible superficial wear.
H 82,5 cm
The base inscribed with the number '141/X' and with the Goebel mark.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition.
H 81,5 cm
The base inscribed with the number '142/X' and with the Goebel mark.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In nearly excellent condition. The little bird missing the upper part of the beak.
H 79 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both vases and one cover in excellent condition.
- One cover broken and restored.
The decoration painted in pastel colours and signed C. Rochette.
H 29,7 - L 39,5 - D 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The piano concerto group with a hairline, running from the right middle side upwards.
- The left hand of the man restored.
- The typical negligible damage to the embroidery and petals.
H 50,6 cm
Condition: (U-checked)
- The sculpture in general in very good condition, with the normal minor age-related superficial wear and some flaking of the paint all-over.
- Glass eyes.
- The Child with some missing fingers, one arm broken and reglued.
- The Madonna with a missing finger and a reglued thumb, the right arm most probably reattached.
- The embroidery missing on different places.
- The base with two minor holes, most probably due to a former attachment.
- See also the additional pictures.
H 68,4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The sculpture general in very good condition, with the normal age-related wear and traces of use.
- Six of the seven arrows missing.
- The tears underneath the left eye less pronounced.
- The sculpture is logically hollowed out and a zinc plate was attached to the back at a later time.
- The bottom worn.
- See also the additional pictures.
73 x 48,7 cm (the cross)
45,5 cm (the Corpus Christi)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition with the normal age-related wear.
- Missing a part of the left arm. The right arm reattached.
- The cross of a later date.
- The crown of thorns with small missing parts.
- The veil of the cloth reattached.
- See also the additional pictures.
H 27,3 - 14 cm (with and without base)
- A chip to the underside of the tip of the nose.
- Chips to the back, just above the break-off.
- Minor superficial wear and patination throughout.
- Traces of gilding to the hairdo.
H 45,5 cm
- P. Kjellberg, Les bronzes du XIXe siècle, Paris, 1989, pp. 508-510.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The sculpture in good condition, with the normal superficial wear and negligible oxidation.
Work: 31,5 x 27 cm
The silver oklad marked: 84 zolotnik, city mark of Moscow, maker's mark B.C. (Cyrillic alphabet), assayer's mark B.G. (dated 1876).
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The silver oklad in good condition with wear and minor dents (especially the left side at the level of the faces).
- The icon in general in good condition, with some superficial damages (especially in the lower part).
- Some small parts repainted, namely at the height of the openings in the oklad.
- See also the additional pictures.
4,8 x 2,8 cm
Total weight: 13,9 g
Diamonds: 'Antwerpse roos'
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with normal negligible traces of use.
H 24,7 - 9,8 cm (the tallest and the smallest item)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All items in very good condition.
- One whiskey glass and the bottle with a scratch 'in' the glass (see additional pictures).
H 37,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The 'Zorba' with hardly visible negligible fritting to the inside of the top rim. The bowl reattached to the foot and repolished.
H 5,4 cm - Dia.: 8,2 cm (the largest cup)
H 3,7 cm - Dia.: 7,2 cm (the smallest cup)
Dia.: 12,2 - 11 cm (the largest and the smallest saucer dish)
Dia.: 23,1 cm (the plates)
Dia.: 22,8 cm (the dishes)
Dia.: 32 - 18,5 - 4,9 cm (the covers)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The biggest cover with a chip to the finial, otherwise good.
- The smallest cover in excellent condition.
- Three famille rose cups broken and reglued.
- The famille verte cup with a hairline to the rim.
- One saucer in excellent condition, two saucers with a few hairlines.
- Four plates with a few hairlines to the rim.
- 最大的盖子,盖钮飞皮。
- 最小的盖子全品。
- 三个粉彩杯子破碎,后粘合。
- 五彩杯子口冲。
- 一个碟子全,两个碟子口冲。
- 四个盘子口冲。
Dia.: 23 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H 60 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The lid with a restored section of the rim with related overpainting, about 20 to 25 % of the circumference of the rim.
- The vase with normal superficial wear, some baking flaws and some crazing of the glaze. The belly with a impact caused star-shaped hairline, which is only partly visible on the inside. Please refer to the photos to have a better idea.
H 60 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The lid with some superficial baking flaws and an impact caused star-shaped hairline, which is partly visible on the inside.
- The vase with two hairlines starting from the top rim of ca. 25 and 30 cm. The belly with two impact caused star-shaped hairlines of different sizes. Please refer to the photos to have a better idea.
H 7 cm - Dia.: 8,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with normal superficial wear and some baking flaws.
Dia.: 36,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small chip under the rim and a few superficial chips to the base rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿下一个飞皮,圈足几个典型小飞皮。
Dia.: 14,3 cm (the saucers)
H 12,8 - L 19,2 cm (the teapot and cover)
H 7 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two cups are in good condition(one with a baking flaw on the handle), two cups with a number of superficial chips on the top rim, three cups with hairlines.
- Three dishes are in excellent condition, one dish with two small chips on the top rim, one dish with a hairline on the top rim.
- The cover with 6 restored chips on the rim.
- Three restored chips on the top rim, two restored chips on the lip rim and two baking flaws on the handle.
Dia.: 23,4 cm
The ca. 1775 plate depicting a lady catching cherries in her skirt as a young man throws them from a ladder above and a seated lady and dog look on, the rim with a simple iron-red rope-twist band.
- A similar plate was sold at Christie's, New York, Sale 1958, Jan. 23, 2008, The Hodroff Collection, Lot 347 (link).
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate in good condition, with the normal negligible superficial wear and minor baking flaws.
Dia.: 24 - 22,7 cm (the largest and the smallest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Four plates in excellent condition.
- Three plates with a hairline.
- Three plates with a chip to the rim.
- Two plates with a glaze line.
- 四个盘子全品。
- 三个盘子冲。
- 三个盘子口飞。
- 两个盘子惊釉。
H 9,5 cm - Dia.: 20,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition with a small superficial chip to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿小飞一个。
Dia.: 23 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Four plates with a hairline.
- Two plates with a chip to the rim.
- 四个盘子冲,两个口飞皮。
Dia.: 23,5 - 22,7 cm (the largest and the smallest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All plates with hairlines.
- 六个盘子都有冲线。
Dia.: 22,8 - 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All plates with large hairline cracks.
- The second plate from the left with a reglued rim section.
Dia.: 38,6 - 37,7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left one excellent.
- The right one with numerous rim chips.
H 6,9 cm - Dia.: 14,5 cm (the bowl)
H 9,4 cm - Dia.: 8,4 cm (the covered bowl)
H 26,1 - L 16,4 cm (the teapot)
Dia.: 14 - 10,4 cm (the largest and the smallest saucer dish)
Dia.: 23,5 - 23 cm (the largest and the smallest dish)
H 18,3 cm (the vase)
- The vase with a number of chips around the foot, losses to the enamels and a ca. 5 cm glaze line to the neck. To the foot, a small nick possibly reglued or heavily impacted and a ca. 1 cm hairline just next to it.
- The large Imari teapot lacking the handle and with numerous small repairs.
- One famille rose plate (second from left, middle row) broken in numerous pieces.
- The pair of fencai plates with mandarin ducks are not Chinese, but made by Samson, Paris.
- All pieces with minor damages.
Dia.: 22,6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left plate generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear and some losses of the overglaze enamel design. The backside with a number of baking flaws.
- The other plate with normal supeficial wear, baking flaws and losses of the overglaze enamel design. A 3 cm hairline from the rim around 4 o'clock.
Dia.: 22,7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate in good condition, with minor rim chips.
Dia: 35,7 - 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The biggest plate with a few small chips to the rim.
- Two smallest plates with a few chips to the rim.
- Three smallest plates with a hairline to the rim.
- 最大的盘子口沿小飞。
- 两个小的盘子口沿飞。
- 三个小的盘子口冲。
Dia.: 25,7 - 22,8 cm (the largest and the smallest plate)
Dia.: 32,5 cm (the dish)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The large dish in good condition.
- One Imari-style dish in good condition.
- The three others restored.
H 9,2 - 7,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The blue and white vase with a 5 mm hairline from the top rim and some minor superficial baking flaws. Otherwise in very good condition.
- The Imari style vase in excellent condition, with minor superficial wear.
H 60,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The lid generally in good condition, with normal superficial wear. The rim with a superficial 4 x 15 mm chip and another 3 x 5 mm chip. The tip of the finial with a 3 x 3 mm chip.
- The vase with a number of breaks of the neck repaired with related extensive overpainting. A 13 cm hairline from the top rim. The interior with a number of glaze lines, invisible from the outside. Otherwise in good condition.
H 9,2 cm - Dia.: 18 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With a 6,5 cm hairline from the rim and a 2 x 5 mm rim chip, otherwise in excellent condition.
H 10,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in good condition, the first one with some touch-ups to the flowers and one hand of the figure in the middle.
- The second one with some touch-ups to the flowers and the guita of the left figure.
- 两个瓷塑品相良好,花形装饰都有修复痕迹,一个中间人物的手有修复,另一个左边人物手里的琵琶有修复。
The painting: 63,5 x 43,7 cm
The scroll: 196,5 x 57,4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting: in good condition with minor foxing.
- The scroll: minor foxing, left top corner with a water stain, some creases, top with small restoration (with tape) and the reverse with the silk damaged.
The painting: 36 x 33,5 cm
The scroll: 188 x 48 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some signs of silk aging.
- 全品, 正常绢本老化痕跡。
Work: ca. 224 x 106 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some signs of paper aging, such as yellow spots.
- 全品, 正常紙本老化痕跡,如黃色斑點。
The painting: 65 x 10,7 cm
The scroll: 80,8 x 16 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some signs of paper aging, such as yellow spots.
- 全品, 正常紙本老化痕跡,如黃色斑點。
The painting: 53,5 x 31 cm
The scroll: 85,2 x 45,2 cm
The painting: 45 x 32,5 cm
The scroll: 65,5 x 44 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in very good condition, one with a stain to the lower part.
- 两幅品相都非常良好,其中一幅下侧有一个污渍。
The painting: 69,8 x 30 cm
The scroll: 105,8 x 46 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some signs of paper aging.
- 全品, 正常紙本老化痕跡。
The painting: 67 x 30,5 cm
The scroll: 84 x 47 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition. It concerns a fan, which was doubled on silk. The various folds visible.
H 29 - 17,7 cm (the cloisonné and the lacquer vase)
H 14,8 cm (the Japanese stoneware Buddha)
H 14,2 - L 20,7 - D 12,5 cm (the red lacquer box)
H 34,8 - L 31,5 cm (the gilt-lacquered lion)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The neck support in good condition with minor superficial wear and negligible flaking paint to one of the legs.
- The red lacquer vase in good condition with superficial wear.
- The cloisonné vase with two dents to the body and a screw inside.
- The Bouddha with three chips and a baking crack at the reverse.
- The lion in general in good condition , with superficial wear and flaking paint. Two left feet with a small chip.
H 47,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with a section oversprayed of ca. 6 x 2 cm to the rim and the finial broken, then refixed with a metal stick on the inside.
- The vase with a hairline of ca. 15 cm extending upwards from the base on the inside, partly visible on the outside.
- 盖子口沿处有一段约 6 x 2 厘米的喷漆痕迹,盖钮断,后用金属条固定。
- 罐子整体品相良好,内部底上一条冲线约 15 厘米,外部部分可见。
H 31,8 cm (the vases)
H 8,2 - L 18,3 cm (the teapot)
The teapot marked 'Hododa' (a Yokohama merchant name, the three Kanji characters 保土田 on the left) and 'Satsuma' (the two Kanji characters on the right) and with a Shimazu family mark.
The 'seven gods of good fortune' or the 'shichi fukujin' (七福神) are Hotei, Jurōjin, Fukurokuju, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Daikokuten and Ebisu.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot: the teapot in good condition.
- The vases: the bottom rim of both vases with an engraved mark and minor wear to the gilt decoration. One of the vases with a chip to the top rim and a baking flaw to one of the elephants.
H 49,6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both vases with the normal superficial wear.
- One of the vases with a hairline to the top rim of ca. 3,5 cm. Furthermore, in good condition.
- One of the vases with a restored chip to the toprim and with related overpaint. Furthermore, in good condition.
H 19,4 - L 20,3 cm (the teapot)
Dia.: 18,5 - 18 cm (the largest and the smallest plate)
Dia.: 13,9 cm (the saucers)
H 13,8 - L 14,8 cm (the sugar jar)
H 13,8 - L 12,6 cm (the milk jug)
H 4,9 - L 11,4 cm (the cups)
H 7,1 cm -Dia.: 15,2 cm (the bowl)
- The two jugs and covered bowl excellent.
- A hairline to the bowl.
- One cup completely broken and reglued.
- Various hairlines and small chips to the cups, saucers and plates, all have been added to the photos.
H 10,1 - L 16 - D 10 cm
Accompanied by a CITES certificate.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With CITES certificate N° 2023/BE01343/CE.
- The okimono in general in very good condition, with the typical age-related wear such as superficial rubbing and small tension cracks.
- The two horizontal sides of the tatami consist of two parts.
- Signed.
- See additional pictures.
Dia: 73,5 cm
H 69,5 - 57,5 cm (with and without wooden base)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jardinière generally in good condition, with normal wear, superficial scratch marks and firing flaws. A vertical hairline from the top rim ending in the upper green border with applied buttons. Another upside down Y-shaped hairline from the top rim running downwards and ending just passing the green upper border with applied buttons. Just above the foot rim a hole, visible from the outside and invisible from the inside, most likely covered up by glaze during firing. The lower green border with applied buttons with one button damaged. Just under the top rim with a hole, most likely to prevent the water overflow.
- The wooden base with superficial wear and minor scratch marks.
H 8,3 cm - Dia.: 35,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few baking flaws and some superficial crazing on the back.
- 全品,侧面一些窑伤和龟裂。
H 62,1 - L 53,5 cm (with stand)
H 54,2 - L 53,5 cm (without stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with superficial wear, especially to the borders.
- The wood with two vertical cracks (top and bottom in the middle).
- Some negligible and hardly visible missing parts (see additional pictures).
Work: 6,2 x 4,9 - 3,7 x 2,8 cm (the tallest and the smallest miniature)
A.o. King Aurangzeb Alamgir (1618-1707), who ruled over the Moghul empire from 1658 until his death in 1707; Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1780-1839), who ruled over the Maharat empire from 1797 until his death in 1839; Jagat Gosain, the fourth wife of Jahangir, the Mughal Emperor who ruled from 1605 until his death in 1627 and Nur Jahan, the most important consort of Jahangir.
Accompanied by a CITES certificate.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All miniatures in very good condition, with normal superficial wear.
- All 6 portrait miniatures with the original glass.
404 x 308 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rug in general in good condition, with the normal superficial wear and traces of use.
- The fringes at both sides shortened.
378 x 293 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rug in good condition with some wear and traces of use (dirt spots).
- Borders with negligible restorations.
- The fringes a little shortened.
226 x 150 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rug in very good condition, with the normal superficial wear and traces of use.
- Fringes shortened at different places.
- See also the additional pictures.
126 x 81 cm
118 x 79 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in good condition, with the normal superficial wear and traces of use.
- Could benefit of a cleaning.
196,5 x 134 cm
Naser al-Din Shah Qajar (Persian: ناصرالدینشاه قاجار; 16 July 1831 – 1 May 1896) was the fourth Shah of Qajar Iran from 5 September 1848 to 1 May 1896 when he was assassinated. He was the son of Mohammad Shah Qajar and Malek Jahan Khanom and the third longest reigning monarch in Iranian history after Shapur II of the Sassanid dynasty and Tahmasp I of the Safavid dynasty. Nasser al-Din Shah had sovereign power for close to 51 years. He was the first modern Persian monarch who formally visited Europe and wrote of his travels in his memoirs. A modernist, he allowed the establishment of newspapers in the country and made use of modern forms of technology such as telegraphs, photography and also planned concessions for railways and irrigation works. Despite his modernizing reforms on education, his tax reforms were abused by people in power, and the government was viewed as corrupt and unable to protect commoners from abuse by the upper class which led to increasing antigovernmental sentiments. He ended up being assassinated when visiting a shrine. (link)
- Private collection, Belgium, West Flanders.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rug in very good condition with the normal superficial wear and traces of use.
- Fringes at various places shortened.
- Minor restoration to the borders.
- See also the additional pictures.
- 16 April 2023: Most probably the upper brown border cut (see also the additional images).
290 x 178 cm
- Private collection, Belgium, West Flanders.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The carpet in general in very good condition, with normal superficial wear and traces of use.
- Some wear to the borders, with negligible restorations. Fringes shortened.
- Some stains and dirt spots. The carpet could benefit of a cleaning.
- See also the additional pictures.
298 x 194 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rug in very good condition with the normal superfical wear and minor traces of use.
- Minor staining. The carpet could benefit of a cleaning.
- See also the additional pictures.
147,5 x 97 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition. No remarks.
H 91,2 cm - Dia.: 111 cm
The centre of the table is a porcelain plate with the image of Louis XIV.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition with minor superficial wear and traces of use.
H 127,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cope in general in good condition, with some normal wear.
- Some damage and restorations near the closure at both sides.
- See also the additional pictures
H 110 - 110,5 - 107,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Left: in repairable condition, with wear, tears and traces of use all-over, especially to the front side. The design in good condition.
- Middle: In good condition, with some wear (especially to the shoulders) and traces of use. Some small tears. The embroidered band loose for ca. 3 cm.
- Right: In acceptable condition, with wear, especially to the left front side. One of the flowers a little loose. Some sequins missing.
H 103,5 - L 112,5 cm
H 102 - L 106 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The two left dalmatics in good condition, with minor wear and some staining. One of the dalmatics with the seam a little loose at the height of the neck.
- The pair of dalmatics on the right side with wear, damage and traces of use all-over (the grey parts, not in the yellow and red zones).
Work: ca. 54 x 38 cm
Paper: ca. 69 x 49 cm
Frame: 73 x 53 cm
The work with in both bottom corners a blind stamp, one of which the 'P.O.W. Printmaking' stamp (P.O.W. or Pictures On walls, the main publisher of Banksy prints).
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The work in very good and hangable condition.
Work: ca. 27,2 x 18,2 cm
Frame: 36,5 x 28,2 cm
Work: ca. 26,5 X 18 cm
Frame: 36,5 x 28,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both works in good and hangable condition.
Work: 72 x 53,5 cm
Frame: 95,2 x 75,3 cm
The paper with the double 'Hirst' water mark.
The reverse with a stamp signature 'D Hirst/© Damien Hirst'. The work made to celebrate the opening of 'Requiem', at the PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, on April 25-26th, 2009.
- Christie's, London, June 7, 2011, lot 351, for another example from this series (sold GBP 21.250). (link)
- Christie's, London, Sep. 4, 2012, lot 447, for another example from this series (sold GBP 21.250). (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good and hangable condition.
- Not inspected outside the frame.
Work: 109 x 73,5 cm
Frame: 125,5 x 89 cm
Part of an artist book created by the artist himself and published in 2022. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good and hangable condition.
- Not inspected outside the frame.
- The right top corner with finger prints.
Work: ca. 29,5 x 24 cm
Frame: 41 x 35 cm
The work is completely in line with the oeuvre of Paul Delvaux (1897-1994).
- Private collection, Belgium, West Flanders.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The work in good and hangable condition.
Work: 47,7 x 38,7 cm
Paper: 56,5 x 45,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The work in good and hangable condition.
- The white borders with minor traces of use.
- Heightened print, the print coloured by the artist with watercolour.
Work: ca. 31 x 25,5 cm
Frame: 43,1 x 38,1 cm
Work: ca. 33,5 x 23 cm
Frame: 53,2 x 41 cm
The work by Georges Petit most probably marouflated on board.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both works in good and hangable condition.
- Not inspected outside the frame.
Work: ca. 73,5 x 52,5 cm
Frame: 89,3 x 68,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good and hangable condition.
- Not inspected outside the frame (the frame with old glass).
- The paper slightly wavy with some negligible scratches (see additional pictures).
- The top edge of the paper most probably shortened.
Work: 107 x 76,7 cm
Frame: 108,5 x 78,5 cm
The painting 'Mis en état de conservation par Paul Kiewert, Bruxelles, 1851'.
- About the restoration studio of Kiewert, see: G. Caupin, 'The Maison Kiewert Restoration Studio in Paris and the Practice of Active Conservation', Getty Research Journal, XV, 2022.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In general in good and hangable condition.
- Relined and shortened.
- The UV-light shows foremost the typical colour of the varnish, with small retouches here and there.
- Some overpaint, especially in the face of the lady.
- See also the additional pictures.
Work: 55,5 x 39,2 cm
Frame: 68 x 52 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in general in good and hangable condition.
- The painting shortened.
- The painting marouflated on board due to the rather poor condition of the canvas (tear center left and a missing part center right, a difficult to see small tear on the top).
- Minor retouches.
Work: 78 x 62,5 cm
Frame: 100 x 79,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The work in general in good and hangable condition.
- Normal wear to the borders, due to the framing.
- Relined due to a tear in the original canvas in the right top corner.
- The UV-light shows foremost the typical colour of the varnish, with some retouching and overpaint in different phases (e.g. the fur of the rabbit, middle right zone, etc.).
- In origin 17th C. and worked on over time.
Work: 68,5 x 46 cm
Frame: 86,7 x 64 cm
- Private collection, Belgium, West Flanders.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in good and hangable condition.
- Relined.
- The UV-light shows foremost the typical colour of the varnish, with some retouches in different phases (see also the UV-light pictures).
- Some overpaint.
Work: ca. 75,5 x 61 cm
Frame: 91,2 x 76,6 cm
William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke (8 April 1580 – 10 April 1630) KG, PC, of Wilton House in Wiltshire, was an English nobleman, politician and courtier. He served as Chancellor of the University of Oxford and together with King James I founded Pembroke College, Oxford. In 1608 he was appointed Warden of the Forest of Dean, Constable of St Briavels Castle, Gloucestershire, and in 1609 Governor of Portsmouth, all of which offices he retained until his death. He served as Lord Chamberlain from 1615 to 1625. In 1623 the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays was dedicated to him and his brother and successor Philip Herbert, 1st Earl of Montgomery. (link)
The original Van Dyck portrait was part of the private collection of Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke, Wilton House (estate, Salisbury) and thence by descent in the family till the present day. (link)
- The painting was exhibited in the British Institute in 1835.
- Ex-collection Lord Ellesemer, Bridge-Water House.
- Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 'Vente publique d'antiquités et de tableaux', Oct. 8-9, 1952, lot 425 (as attributed to Van Dyck).
- Private collection, Belgium.
- Cited in Waagen, vol. 2, p. 40.
- Guiffrey-Van Dyck cat. n° 1.035.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in good and hangable condition.
- Relined.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish.
- Faint nework of craquelures visible in the face.
Work: ca. 55,5 x 44 cm
Frame: 61 x 49,9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in hangable condition, with filled gaps, tears in the original canvas, repainted edges, surface dirt.
- Relined.
Work: 41,3 x 32,5 cm
Frame: 57,4 x 49 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in hangable condition, with severe overpaint and wear.
- The panel with a vertical crack starting at the bottom and running upwards.
- The paint is starting to come loose top center.
Work: ca. 86 x 72 cm
Frame: 107 x 93,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in general in good and hangable condition.
- Relined.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish, with small retouching all-over in different phases.
- Minor wear to the borders, especially the left border.
- A tear in the original canvas on the left side of ca. 9 cm (the original canvas on that spot also loose from the second canvas).
- See also the additional pictures.
Work: ca. 70 x 52,2 cm
Frame: 80,5 x 62,5 cm
Tomyris orders the head of the fallen Cyrus to be cut off and dipped into a vessel of human blood, i.e. the vengeance of Tomyris.
The work inspired by 'Head of Cyrus brought to Queen Tomyris' by Rubens, nowadays part of the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, accession number 41.40. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in rather good and hangable condition.
- Relined.
- Minor flaking paint.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish, with only some limited retouching.
Work: 62,5 x 50,8 cm
Frame: 78,5 x 66,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The work in good and hangable condition.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish.
- The canvas with a few minor restorations (also visible at the back).
- The frame with some damage.
Work: 75,1 x 60,5 cm
Frame: 87 x 72,7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in quite good and hangable condition, with some minor dirt spots.
- Relined, due to holes in the original canvas.
- Numerous overpaints can be seen under UV light, including the forehead and shoulder area.
Work: 36,8 x 24,7 cm
Frame: 54,5 x 42,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in good and hangable condition.
- Negligible wear to the borders due to the framing.
- The Uv-light shows foremost the typical colour of the varnish, with some retouches in the sky and the foreground.
- Right side of the air with some overpaint.
Work: ca. 60 x 35 cm
Frame: 84 x 59 cm
- The painting in good and hangable condition.
- Relined.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish, with only small retouching, especially to the centre of the painting.
Work: 83 x 55,5 cm
Frame: 107,5 x 80 cm
A difficult to read signature in the lower right corner. Monogrammed and dated (1853) in the left bottom corner.
- Private collection, Belgium, West Flanders.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in good and hangable condition, with normal negligible wear and traces of use.
- The lower right corner with a difficult to read signature. The left bottom corner with a monogram and the date '1853'.
- A very small hole in the canvas at the top left.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish. Retouching is as a consequence difficult to observe.
- The usual minor damage to the borders, due to the framing.
Work: 86 x 62,5 cm
Frame:116 x 93,4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The work in very good and hangable condition.
- The normal wear to the borders due to the framing.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish.
- Painting would benefit from renewing the varnish.
Work: 140 x 91,3 cm
Frame: 181 x 131 cm
This is more than likely a self-portrait of the painter, who portrays himself as a kind of 'chief of the good life'.
- Private collection, Belgium.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in good and hangable condition.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish, with only a small retouching in the left bottom corner.
- Minor superficial wear, especially to the borders, due to the framing.
- Part of the veil over the left shoulder with a faint network of craquelures.
- The painting could be streched a little more and chassis contours visible at the front.
- Reverse with waterstains without impact on the front.
- Heavy frame with minor damage.
Work: 65,2 x 55 cm
Frame: 89,5 x 78,5 cm
Work: 65 x 50 cm
Frame: 89,2 x 74 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both paintings in good and hangable condition, with the usual wear to the borders due to the framing.
- The UV-light shows foremost the typical colour of the varnish.
- Painting on the right side: craquelures a little bid more pronounced in the sky.
- Painting on the left side: with three retouches (air top right corner, bottom left and bottom central).
Work: 100 x 70,2 cm
Frame: 142 x 112 cm
- Private collection, Belgium, Antwerp.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in good and hangable condition.
- The usual minor wear to the borders due to the framing.
- The UV-light shows the typical colour of the varnish.
- Work would look better with a new varnish.
Work: 80 x 60 cm
Frame: 105 x 84,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting without doubt in very good and hangable condition.
- The normal minor wear to the borders due to the framing with minor related retouching.
Work: ca. 120 x 82 cm
Frame: 151,5 x 113 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in good and hangable condition.
- Relined, because of a tear in the canvas at the height of the top of the tree at the left side.
- The UV-light shows overpaint, especially to the borders and the foreground.
Work: 120 x 100 cm
Frame: 122 x 102 cm
Leda and the swan is a story and subject in art from Greek mythology in which the god Zeus, in the form of a swan, seduces and makes love with Leda.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The painting in very good/excellent and hangable condition, with very negligible traces of use and contours chassis slightly visible.
Work: 120 x 90 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The werk in very good/excellent and hangable condition, with minor negligible and hardly visible dirt spots.
Work: 99,5 x 99,5 cm
Frame: 105 x 105 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The work in very good and hangable condition.
- Executed in thick layers of paint, creating relief in the painting.
- A small negligible spot of flaking paint.